
therapy for

healing, expansion, and creativity

Guiding you beyond

stress & self-doubt

to freedom & flow



Do you seem to have it all together on the outside, while your inner experience tells a different story? Are you struggling with self-confidence, self-expression or self-care? If you relate to feeling triggered or stuck in the same old counter-productive patterns, I can help.

I offer a holistic perspective, combining traditional talk therapy with somatic approaches that emphasize the relationship between mind and body. My areas of expertise include anxiety, trauma, creativity and performance expansion.

Whether you are seeking support for trauma recovery, relationship issues, personal or creative growth, I am here to guide and empower you. Together, we can navigate the intricacies of your unique journey, unravel the complexities, and uncover new pathways and possibilities for healing, growth and success - by your definition.


Hi, I’m Jenny.

I am a Board-licensed Psychotherapist offering online therapy to individuals based in New York. My eclectic training equips me to treat a wide range of issues that bring people into therapy, including anxiety, stress, depression, life transitions, work and relationship issues and grief. My expertise in somatic approaches supports clients in wholeness and the healing of trauma at a nervous system level. I offer specialized therapy for creatives, exploring the relationship between trauma healing, creativity and performance expansion. I also offer coaching services to clients around the globe.

My goal is to help clients heal, grow, and fulfill their purpose and potential. For those ready to move beyond therapy, wellness coaching services offer a focused, accountable and inspiring space for you to invest in and explore your wellbeing, creativity and career success, alongside removing any blocks that may be holding you back in these areas.

I believe that everyone deserves a compassionate, skilled, and dedicated ally to support them during times of transition or when life gets complicated, so wherever you are in your journey, I can help guide you in your next steps towards deeper healing and transformation.


You’re in the right place if…

 you’re seeking something a little outside the box. My holistic approach draws upon brain and body based methods including Brainspotting, EMDR, IFS, and Mindfulness that have proved highly effective in resolving the mental and physiological blocks that are often holding clients back. These simple and elegant modalities work with our innate ability to self-heal, restoring balance to the nervous system so that deep and lasting change can happen. With this integrated approach, my clients find they experience quicker, more powerful results than through talk therapy alone.

Tools To Empower Yourself
Jenny is a talented, intuitive and empathic therapist. She goes the extra mile to stay current with cutting-edge approaches to healing.

Explore Services


Teletherapy is an accessible and convenient way to engage in psychotherapy. And yes, Brainspotting is also equally effective online!


Brainspotting is an internationally recognized brain-based method for the treatment of trauma, creative blocks and performance issues. Keep your nervous system functioning optimally, and harness your brain and body’s intuitive wisdom to overcome inner obstacles to achieving your goals.


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful research-based technique in the treatment of trauma, helping you liberate yourself from the past so that you can be happy in the present.

SERVICES for creatives

Specialized therapy for clients navigating the highs and lows of acting, entrepreneurship and creative industries. Holistic mind-body based coaching for creative professionals who want to invest in their path and experience greater clarity, results and fulfillment.


Individual therapy offers a supportive and accepting space in which you can speak freely about issues that are affecting you, and explore your fears, hopes, dreams, and goals.


Mindfulness helps you reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and gain tools for living life more consciously.

Jenny listens with her whole heart
— Polly W. - coaching client

My clients come from diverse backgrounds and include artists, creative and wellness professionals, enrepreneurs and small business leaders, designers, filmmakers, students, working parents, and everyone in between.


What they have in common is courage, curiosity, and the desire to be unapologetically and authentically themselves.

Are you ready to take the next step towards healing, joy, creativity and connection?

Contact me to set up your free 20 minute video consultation.
